Home / Blog / Patricia Wallwork is the woman behind Alabama's sweet tea empire

Patricia Wallwork is the woman behind Alabama's sweet tea empire

Jul 19, 2023Jul 19, 2023

Published On: 08.27.23 |

By: Ali Nolan

Patricia Wallwork, CEO of Milo's Tea, has expanded the fame and distribution of her grandparents' trademark beverage. (contributed)

To its many dedicated fans, Milo’s Tea is the perfect beverage. The taste is nostalgic and refreshing and the brand is synonymous with authenticity and a rich family legacy. The CEO of this beloved Bessemer-based brand is Patricia (Tricia) Wallwork, whose innovative leadership and commitment to family traditions have propelled the company to new heights.

You really can’t talk about Wallwork’s work without starting at the very beginning of the Milo’s Tea journey. It began in 1946 when her grandparents, Milo and Bea Carlton, opened the first Milo’s Restaurant shortly after Milo returned from World War II. In 1989, the famous tea began appearing on supermarket shelves in the now iconic plastic jugs.

In 2002, the family sold its restaurants and began focusing on tea exclusively. Wallwork took over as CEO in 2012 and led the company through several plant expansions and new flavor launches. Now Milo’s Tea products can be found in nearly every state in the U.S.

Milo and Beatrice “Mama Bea” Carlton co-founded Milo’s. (Milo’s Tea)

People from all over love Milo’s Tea. But it’s not a secret recipe; it’s just a simple one. Wallwork is committed to the brand’s promise of purity, consisting solely of sugar, fresh-brewed tea and water. They do not and never will use preservatives. What sets Milo’s Tea apart goes beyond its taste. It’s a family-owned, women-owned business that has its heart firmly rooted in Alabama.

We asked Wallwork some essential questions about her home state, and it’s clear that more than anything, she – like so many of us – loves the people here. And the food. Who doesn’t love the food?

This is Alabama: What is your favorite part about living in Alabama?

Patricia Wallwork: Who can pick just one favorite thing about Alabama? The people are so real, warm and generous. The landscape is beautiful – from the mountains to the beaches, and every hill and grassland between. But maybe the most remarkable thing about Alabama is the incredible culture of giving back. Whether it’s through our faith communities or our network of impactful nonprofit organizations, Alabamians band together to solve big problems and give their time, talent and treasure.

TIA: What is one thing people across the country should know about Alabama?

Wallwork: If America hasn’t figured out that Alabama is serious about delicious food and drink, they need to come on down and join us for a meal. The contributions of African Americans, indigenous Alabamians, and European and other immigrants have added to this great big gumbo of goodness we call Southern cuisine. Everyone should know about white barbecue sauce, Conecuh sausage and Lane Cakes. And of course, you have to wash it all down with a big old glass of Milo’s Famous Tea.

This sausage is so well-loved it has its own fan club. (Frank Couch)

TIA: What is a place in Alabama that you’ve always wanted to visit but haven’t yet?

Wallwork: I’ve never really spent much time in Muscle Shoals, but I’m dying to get up there and dig into the musical history and the renaissance of shops and restaurants I keep reading about.

TIA: How would you describe the people of Alabama?

Wallwork: There are too many adjectives to describe the remarkable people of Alabama. Giving, trusting, loving, loyal, neighborly and resilient are a few words that describe the people I am honored to live with and love on every day. And as far as the Alabamians I get to work with at Milo’s, the words we use are hungry, agile and together. And scrappy. We love scrappy!

TIA: Name an Alabamian who inspires you. Why?

Wallwork: My late grandparents, my parents, husband and my children inspire me to be better every day. But if I think about an Alabamian I would love to have met and learned from, Rosa Parks is top of mind. I can’t imagine the kind of courage she had to behave fearlessly in a time of incredible fear. Her strength, tempered by her grace, was remarkable. And the idea that someone will stand up against injustice, even at great personal cost, is empowering to me. Every Alabamian, every American, owes her a debt of gratitude for being an agent of change for the better.

This story previously was published by This is Alabama. Want to read more good news about Alabama? Sign up for the This is Alabama newsletter here.

This is Alabama: What is your favorite part about living in Alabama?Patricia Wallwork:TIA: What is one thing people across the country should know about Alabama?Wallwork:TIA: What is a place in Alabama that you’ve always wanted to visit but haven’t yet?Wallwork:TIA: How would you describe the people of Alabama?Wallwork:TIA: Name an Alabamian who inspires you. Why?Wallwork: